Practice 7 Practice 7 - Extract Email Address Bad solution?

Hello, I was doing this exercise, and after I complete it, I wanted to check the solution.

The problem was , the original phrase is “Please use the following address to contact me, it’s the company email"

and the solution has “Please use the following address to contact me on the company email"

The difference between these phrase is that the first has a comma, so the solution gives “,”

I wanted to see another solution instead of mine because I’m sure there is a better answer

Could you please elaborate your question? What is expected output?

This is the exercise:

" Extract the email address from a string (without using RegEx)

Given a string containing one email address, create a workflow to extract the email address without using regular expressions.

Note: For input please use a String variable with the following value “Please use the following address to contact me, it’s the company email" "

but when you use the solution given, it uses another phrase ( “Please use the following address to contact me on the company email") , so the output is correct, giving " " but if you substitute the phrase with one who was given, the result is : “,”