Possible to read many rows and store it in one string variable?

Hello everyone,

sorry for so many new topics, but I am new to UiPath :slight_smile:

I have a datatable “dtVodafone”. In this datatable there are three columns “Number”, “Name”, and “Paynumber”.

I want to read each row to have the following output:



How can I store each row to one single variable string?

Thanks in advance,

(I couldn’t find a topic that really has the same intention as me)

Hi @bibalesecret

Try this approach

strData = String.Join(vbcrlf, Dt_Data.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(r) String.Join(",", r.ItemArray.Select(Function(x) x.ToString))))

Refer the xaml file

StoreRowsInOnesStringVariable.xaml (7.0 KB)

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That worked fine, thanks!

What shall I do to get the following output without “vbcrlf”?:


Thanks in advance,
Dennis :slight_smile:


Instead of vbcrlf use the emtpty string “”

strData = String.Join("", Dt_Data.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(r) String.Join(",", r.ItemArray.Select(Function(x) x.ToString))))
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Fantastic, thank you!!!

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