Place the different data from 2 excel files into a excel file

hi, i have compared the 2 excel files data. (246.9 KB)
the current workflow is making the similar data into a new excel file. The output shows data that matched and data that do not match by using the primary keys (NRIC, Month). i want to put the data that do not match into the new excel file.

this is the format in the excel file

NRIC Month MFEC/PA/SG No Of Patient Days Funded(Home) Non Funded(Home) Funded(Hosp.) Non Funded(Hosp.) Bill Size MOH Subsidy(Submitted) GST Charged MOH Subvention computed Home Leave Hosp Leave SP AIC/MOH GST Absorbed

please use my workflow to edit. thank you! i need help for very long pls help asap


  1. Use join datatable with left or right join as you need
  2. When you filter the key column from second table after join with emoty you get non matched rows
  3. When filtered with non empty you get matched rows


Hi @Ryan_Lee ,

Here is the solution. I hope it helps you. (64.9 KB)

Check the Solution2.xaml workflow and output is NewOutput.xlsx in excel files folder.


hi i want the differences to be in one excel files so like its easier to see so like 1st row is header 2nd row is the annual data and 3rd row is quarterly data. just want the data that do not match. Primary keys are NRIC and Month
Quarterly.xlsx (14.0 KB)
this is the proper quarterly with actual month

and add 2 more columns in the excel sheet.
The first Column is ‘Row’ and the second Column is ‘Column’
row is find which is the rows its different from same goes to column