PDF + Azure Form recognizer + azure OpenAI

Hello Friends,
I’d really appreciated your help with this problem.
I have a project where a i have to use Azure Form Recognizer and Azure Open AI to process a PDF document.
The process is described in the lines below:

1.- I need UiPath to connect to connect to a folder where pdf are stored.
2.- Then my robot must send the pdf document through API key to Azure form recognizer where an OCR must process it.
3.- azure form recognizer should send a JSON file to my robot .
4.- then my robot must send this JSON document to AZure OpenAI using an API key with prompt.
5.- Azure Open AI must send return a table in JSON format.

That’s the general idea…

Could you give me some advice and suggestions (activities i should use for these described steps)?

Thanks in advance,



Is the folder you want to connect to a shared drive? or an azure storage.

For azure form recognizer you can use http request activity or this marketplace package

Azure form recognizer returns response as a json and you can use this response to query OpenAi.
Let me know if you have any other questions.

Hello Muktadir and thanks for helping.
My pdf. document is in a shared folder.

My bot must be able to connect to this shared folder to take the pdf document and then connect to AZure form REcognizer…

Thanks for any suggestion or video trainning source to know how to use it…


@Ricchch you can map the shared folder on the vm/pc on which the bot is running.
As for connecting to Azure form recognizer pls see the previous response for the package.

If you use http request activity then you would need to first send a post request and a get request in the get request you will be passing the operation location header which you will retrieve from the post request and then you will get the result.

Rest api docs: Use Document Intelligence client library or REST API - Azure AI services | Microsoft Learn