Passing Variables in JSON payload

I have certain data that I have converted to json string stored in “strJson” variable, now in the Orchestrator HTTP request activity I want to pass my varibal in the JSON payload for example:
My current working payload:
‘queueName’: ‘EmpQueue’,
‘commitType’: ‘AllOrNothing’,
‘queueItems’: [
‘Name’: ‘EmpQueue’,
‘Priority’: ‘High’,
‘SpecificContent’: {
‘specificContent1’ : ‘my First content’,
‘specificContent2’ : ‘my Secondcontent’,
‘DeferDate’: ‘2024-05-13T04:28:18.100Z’,
‘DueDate’: ‘2024-05-13T04:28:18.100Z’,
‘RiskSlaDate’: ‘2024-05-13T04:28:18.100Z’,
‘Reference’: ‘Postman_API’,
‘Progress’: ‘string’,
‘Source’: ‘Apps’,
‘ParentOperationId’: ‘string’
now I want to replace the specific content wwith the variable strJson

How can I do that

maybe only 1 Queueitem is to add and we can use the dedicated Activities instead

we have several options:

  • using a JSON template Text File and replace the values via Tesx replace
  • using JSON related activities and set the SpecificContent data / dictionary / values…

If further assistance is needed, let us know which option is preferred from your end

I am using the Orchestrator HTTP activity, I need to bulk add my data that I had read from excel and converted it into json format, now I want to place the variable in json payload property of the Orchestrator HTTP request activity along with my body generated by swagger UI in the orchestrator itself

and what is the reason not using:

Along with DataColumn Mapping to other properties?


for a straightforward discussion, we gave some options and you can decide which is better fitting

what method are you using put or post?
I am assuming post since its a new data.
whats the post url?
usually we pass variable through parameters

I need to practice it using swagger-UI API, then invoke it in my workflow

Ok we already gave options:

so your input is still expected

Yes, I first try it with swagger UI integrated into orchestrator, then copy the given URL into Postman API and fill in the relevant fields, after successful hit I try to incorporate it into UiPath Studio, I have successfully completed get, post put and delete on queue Items, but while adding bulk content from an excel (my current task) is not working as expected. due to the involvement of variables

There is a component available in the marketplace called Orchestrator Manager. There are some similar use-cases being solved in that component, you can refer it.
Orchestrator Manager - RPA Component | UiPath Marketplace | Overview

Also please find the below thread about JSON
Different approaches to build JSON in UiPath - Help / Studio - UiPath Community Forum