I’d appreciate if any one can help me with this
I need to filter the get outlook mail with the below:
Part of an email subject AND Sent Date
thanks in advance
I’d appreciate if any one can help me with this
I need to filter the get outlook mail with the below:
Part of an email subject AND Sent Date
thanks in advance
@m0e91 Use “@SQL=urn:schemas:httpmail:subject like ‘%RPA%’” in filter property of Get Outlook mail message activity
Ref: Chapter 11: Searching Outlook Data | Microsoft Learn
Few example of sent date sent:date
sent:this week –monday
sent:this week–today
sent:>11/1/06 Finds items sent after 11/1/06
sent:11/1/06…11/5/06 Finds items sent after 11/1/06 and before 11/5/06.
@Arpit_Kesharwani thanks for you reply!
can I merge between them, say for example, I need to search for mails with subject “RPA” that was sent on a specific date say 16.06.2020
is this possible?
Yes that is also possible
To build a filter using the Query Builder tab of the Filter dialog box, follow these steps:
I tried the filter for sent date any time, but is it not writing SQL for sent date.
and when I tried to copy this to the filter of the get outlook mail it gave an error
@m0e91 I am able to get the DASL query Note: If you will choose Anytime then it would not be added into the query
Then your Filter DASL query would be
“@SQL=((”“http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x0037001f”" LIKE ‘%Broadband%’ AND ““http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x0037001f”” LIKE ‘%Reimbursement%’) AND %last7days(““urn:schemas:httpmail:date””)%)"
@m0e91 And also if you want any custom date then can filter from Advanced Tab
got it, but the thing iam trying to do is that I have an excel file having two fields like below, so the item colomn (ABC for example) is part of the subject, and the sent date of a certain mail.
so I need to write a code for filter get outlook mail like below
note that item and sent date will be variables inside the code
“@SQL=urn:schemas:httpmail:subject like ‘%+item+%’ AND the specific sent date variable inside the code"
I need to to write code to loop through rows and filter
@m0e91 Yes you have to loop over the Excel file
For specific date please look into above answer
@m0e91 use “@SQL=”“urn:schemas:httpmail:date”" = ‘18-06-2020 02:06’)" (Instead of " use “”)