I am new to UiPath can anyone explain how to extract received time and date from recevier oulook mail to my local excel sheet. Thanks in advance.
I am new to UiPath can anyone explain how to extract received time and date from recevier oulook mail to my local excel sheet. Thanks in advance.
Hi Welcome to UiPath Community @Swetha_V
1.Read outlook mails using get outlook mail messages that create one output variable to store the output assign that variable in output message property.
2.loop through each mail
3.in the body try like this item.Date so you will get date and time
4.so that will give date and time now update in excel
Use Get Outlook Mails activity->In Properties create a Output Variable
Place a Build Datatable activity, Click Datatable->You can define your columns, for example check as below
After that step->Use For Each activity and give that variable->From Properties change the Type argument->Object to System.Net.Mail.MailMessage and for Index create another variable
Inside For each Row you can place a Assign activity and write as below
Now use Write Range activity after For Each activity and give the Datatable as below
For writing to Datatable, you can refer below
Hope this helps you
Thanks for your reply…
Can i extract receiving time and date of different mailbox which is logged in through web in my system?
If you want to extract different mailbox date and time then you have to use get exchange mail messages activity.
-because get outlook mail messages activity will work what ever the outlook is configured in your system.
If you are using web instead of Outlook installed in your system, then you have rely on the selectors and Get Text activity, This is not a reliable solution when coming to Mail automation but you have to make sure that you have picked correct and reliable selectors
Hope this helps you
Dose it possible for a group of mails using Get Text activity?
That’s difficult because when mail activities will do mainly from background process, but some cases will go for web based, where it is not suggested, but you can check with the selectors, I’m not sure if this works, because selectors keep on changing
Hope this helps you
Any update on this?
user: mailbox that you want to read(mailID)
password:password of that mailOD
Domain:your company domain name may be after @ in your email that can be your domain.
Please go through Lesson - 11 Email automation topic under Level 1 Foundation Training in Academy.uipath.com
They explained all these things very well along with video. Go through first and if you have any doubts then let me know.
I am unable to find regarding server in Lesson 11 Email automation. Can you help me regarding it?
contact your IT team they will provide you the email server and ask exchange version
Thanks for your support
Can we extract both sent and received date and time from outlook mail at a time to the excel file?
Thanks in Advance…
Can anyone give explanation for above question…
@Swetha_V . Add another datatable column…and in the same loop add the sent date…
Thanks for your reply… If you have any Workflow with you please send, that will be really helpful for me.
@Swetha_V - Please find the starter help here…Outlook_Received Time.zip (43.0 KB)
You can see from the below screen shot that, Mail.Header(“Date”) contains both date and time…
So In the add row activity I have used split function to split the date and time from the “Date” variable…
Thank you…
Can i use same workflow to extract sent time and date to the same excel where i stored Received time and date. So that both sent and received data will be there in one excel only. Is that possible?