Orchestrator schedule for bot to run from 5AM to 11.59PM EST

Please help me in - Orchestrator schedule for bot to run from 5AM to 11.59PM EST

You can set the Time zone from Orchestrator settings to EST

For time you can use cron expression, can you specify is it for hour or mintues in that 5AM to 11.59 PM?

like every 5 minutes in that between time


Srini -

Thanks for the response. I want every 30mins once between 5AM and 11.59PM EST.

*/30 05-00 * * *

Try this

Make sure in the schedule you can see the details

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Don’s forget to select Advance to provide the Cron expression

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Yes provide there

0 0 5-23 ? * * *

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Thanks Srini and others -

0 0/30 5-23 ? * * * this worked!!!

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@Mahalakshmi To “play” with the cronjobs this page might help you with the cronjobs for Uipath Orchestrator

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