Orchestrator API Start Jobs Error 1014 - Name missing

I have created a proof of concept on my local machine to start jobs via the Orchestrator API. I was using my own credentials and the platform.uipath.com Orchestrator.

I migrated to the server and changed the Endpoint. I can use ‘Get’ requests on other calls, however, when I try to start a job I get the following message:

“{”“message”“:”“Parameter ‘name’ is missing.”“,”“errorCode”“:1014,”“resourceIds”“:null}”

Via the Orchestrator API documentation, ‘name’ is not a required parameter. The required parameters are:
“startInfo”: {
“ReleaseKey”: “9e16e6a6-f99a-4d2d-b454-93ae02a69ebc”,
“RobotIds”: [
36, 130
“NoOfRobots”: 0,
“Strategy”: “Specific”

Has anyone seen or solved this issue before? I’ve searched other posts within the Community but have not seen any solutions.


Hi @bradsterling

Could you see here?

I know it’s an elaborate example, but between the lines you have a list of required parameters for a successful Start Job call :slight_smile:


I had extra parameters that I did not need because i was trying to authenticate at the same time. I
also deleted/re-added the headers and it’s working.


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