Orchestrator API in Swagger for getting Queue items based on Status

I need a Filter Option to get “Inprogress” Items from Orchestrator Queue using APIs.
I have the Folder ID and Queue Definition ID. But I’m getting all Queue items from the Queue. Instead I need only “Inprogress” items from the Queue. I’m trying it out in Swagger UI. I could provide Start Processing and End Processing time. But i couldn’t filter out with Queue item Status.

Thanks in advance

it should work and was also done successfully.

  • What was done in detail at your end?
  • had you tried prototyping in swagger as well?


ensure the right spelling also:

I didn’t get. My Filter looks like below,

QueueDefinitionId eq 1234 & Status eq ‘InProgress’.
The API call is Success. but I’m getting all Queue items and not InProgress Item.

OData Operator is AND and not &

Docu: Built-in Filter Operations

Thanks. It got filtered correctly. So, After getting ‘InProgress’ Items, I need to get the Latest ‘InProgress’ Item for the Queue and see whether it is “InProgress” for more than 15minutes.

order it within the REST CALL or afterwards e.g. with a LINQ

However, the origin topic was about inProgress filtering, which was asked by us. So the topic can be closed, as we prefer to scope 1 Topic = 1 case
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