Open an Image on a folder

Hello @Amarruf

  1. Start process will open the file which ever it is. It may be excel, pdf, anything. In File variable we have each file from folder from for loop. So we place file in start process. Try to print file in write line. You can see links/paths of all files in folder which we provided.

Delay, I placed so that chances to open file/pdf doc in my case may get delay. If not OCR will throw error immediately that file not found.

  1. Attach window is for image preview doc in my case to read data of image which I marked in my OCR scrapping.

  2. Close application, Once one file is processed before opening next file from folder it will close first one. To close I have used Close application activity. You can find in selector, it will work for all files but should be same extension i my case it is images. Default open application for all images in windows preview.

NO problem. You can post further queries if any.

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