Not Able to get Attribute having specific element from XML file, using LINQ

How to get attribute having specific element from XML file?


xDOC (datatype - xDocument).{XML File}

IEnum_xAttribute (datatype -System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute>).

str_Batch (datatype - String).{str_Batch is the name of the element for which the attribute needed to be fetched}

In Assign
From el In xDOC.Elements(“cXMLMessageContent”).Elements(“cXML”).Elements(“ShipNotice”).Elements(“Batch”)
Where CStr(el.Element(“BatchID”))=str_Batch
Select el.Attribute(“ProductionDate”)

Then used for each activity, to get value of the attribute using log message.

ERROR : For each: An ActivityContext can only be accessed within the scope of the function it was passed into.
Object name: ‘System.Activities.CodeActivityContext’.

While using str_Batch hardcoded in LINQ query i.e “37364564” it is working without any fail.
But I need to use this workflow for multiple XML File, so workflow need to be dynamic.

Any Help will be Great.

welcome to forum

can you share the XML as text file with us?

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Hey @sahilbaglat
you can try use:
(From el In xDOC.Descendants("Batch") Where el.Element("BatchID") IsNot Nothing AndAlso el.Element("BatchID").Value.Equals(str_Batch) Select el.Attribute("ProductionDate")).ToList()


List<XAttribute>(1) { [ProductionDate="2024-01-23"] }


Have also a look at this starter help:

(From el In  xDOC.Descendants("Batch")
Where el.Element("BatchID").Value.Trim.Equals(str_Batch)
Select el.Attribute("ProductionDate").Value
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for this constraint we can eg use , toList, toArray at the end from the LINQ and loop over the different returned result

(From el In  xDOC.Descendants("Batch")
Where el.Element("BatchID").Value.Trim.Equals(str_Batch)
Select pd =el.Attribute("ProductionDate").Value).ToList

would return a string list

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Thank You So Much Piotr Kołakowski.

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