Need to Change the format of a column in Excel Sheet

Hi All,
I have a requirement to change the format of a column from an excel sheet to number with 1000 separators and 2 decimal places.
I’m looking for a Invoke code or a VBA for doing this.
the complicated part here is I need to send the column name and sheet name into the code dynamically.
Can anyone please help on this…
I’m not at all familiar with VBA.


have a look on this activity

just add the package with the depndency manage in case of it not already done

@sandhya_koilada - Please try like this…


vba code: (305 Bytes)

Make sure , you macro setting turned on under “Trust Center”, if not this won’t work…

My Input and Output:


Here is reference for the number formats…

Hope this helps…

Note: Even I am not good with VBA, found this code somewhere for converting text to number, used the same code to modify user case it worked… :wink:

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