Need regex to get invoice Amount

Hello All,

i am trying to read the data from pdf and extract few fields from it.

sample pdf test :
MEASURED CUBE: 99.810 CUFT@@CUBE 0099@@RATED DIMENSIONS: 40X98X44@@Total Pieces@@Total Weight@@TOTAL AMOUNT@@DUE BY@@$257.62@@2@@958@@11/26/2022@@(payable in US funds)@@ABF Freight System, Inc.@@FED TAX ID# 71-0249444@@PO BOX 10048@@FORT SMITH, AR 72917-0048@@FMC LIC# 12524N@@Phone: (479) 785-6212 Fax: (479) 785-6145@@ABF Freight® is an ArcBest℠ Company@@Appointment

but i need to get $257.62 from it.

so could you please help me on this?

Use the following Regex expression:


Hope it helps you!!


Hi @sudha456

Please try the following RegEx pattern:



UiPath Syntax:


Hope this helps,
Best Regards.

Use the following Regex expression:


Thanks all. its working

Hello @sudha456

Use the below regex expression.
