Need help with string manipulation

Let’s say if I am using a screen scraping tool to extract a string from an app. I then stored the string to a variable called Code.

The first string looks like this:
Test 1 / 1 19286849 / 08.01.2020 525902 3100292135 VD01

The second string looks like this:
Code 6300181427 Region VD01 / PBSM22

Is there a way to manipulate the string so that I will only get 3100292135 (from that first string) and 6300181427 (from that second string)? They are always 10 digits.

I need one universal method to handle both cases.

Thanks so much!


If there isn’t any other 10 or more digits number except your target number, the following expression will work.



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string1 =“Test 1 / 1 19286849 / 08.01.2020 525902 3100292135 VD01”

Use Assign activity and the below regex to get the 10 digits and store it in another variable



Thank you so much. It works as expected.

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Hi @skyblue1854

I think the following regex is better for your case.

Thanks! Do you mind explaining why? I am new to Regex.

The ”\b” means boundary, it will be better to match a string which is parted by space.

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