Need Help in which function to choose options from dropdown

Hello Team,
I have been facing an issue in selecting the dropdown option in an automation flow ,Where it chooses all the dropdown options .Also found that there is no index for those options under the dropdown .I have tried using the SELECT ITEAM, FIND CHILDREN functions .Do let me know if need any further information on this .
Thanks in advance

Hi @Happy_Money

You can use the Select Item activity and select the option from the dropdown in Select Item activity.

When bot execution, the bot will select the option in the dropdown.

Hope you understand!!


Use Get attribute activity along with find childern

Thanks much for the idea ,The options in the dropdown is dynamic so in that scenario how do I deal it with .

How will you consider which option to be select in the dropdown.
The option will be same for every time or you are getting from anywhere… @Happy_Money

Thanks for getting back on this .So the scenario is that I would like to choose 1 option from the dropdown where the options in the dropdown keep changing dynamically also here the UI interphase which I am trying to automate doesn’t have index available for it .

Do you want to select the option based on the index, which index option you want to select in the dropdown… @Happy_Money

If possible, share some screenshots for better understanding.

Please view the below screen shot here in the below case if you can see the developertool you can see that their no idx value or index it has something called value which is also starting form 5 and it keeps changing dynamically across the UI involved in the automation

Will this work if the options under the dropdown varies dynamically when ran in flow ?


It will work

Will try it out and get back to you if any other assistance is needed.