Need help in c# coding to extract Json entities

iam sending the contents of json file, for which i have coded a simpleextractor in c# ,to extract the entities “address” and “cas_number”.

Similarly pls anyone can help me with the code to extract the entities “hazard_statements” and “precautionary_statements”, in the contents of json file, would be great helpful. This simple extractor package we r using in UiPath validation station.

pls refer to the below json file contents:
“address”: [
“confidence”: “0.50”,
“entity”: “street1”
“confidence”: “0.41”,
“entity”: “street2”

“cas_number”: [
“confidence”: “0.60”,
“entity”: “89999”

“hazard_statements”: [
“code”: “J88”,
“desc”: “liquid”
“precautionary_statements”: [
“code”: “J89”,
“desc”: “inflammable”
“code”: “J90”,
“desc”: “extinguisher”



The simple extractor code for the above json file contents:

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Activities;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts;
using UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.DataExtraction;
using UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Dom;
using UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Results;
using UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Taxonomy;

namespace SampleActivities.Basic.DataExtraction


class EntityValue
    public float Confidence { get; set; }
    public string Entity { get; set; }

public class SimpleExtractor : ExtractorCodeActivity
    public InArgument<string> InputText { get; set; }
    public override Task<ExtractorDocumentTypeCapabilities[]> GetCapabilities()
        return Task.FromResult(new ExtractorDocumentTypeCapabilities[0]);
    protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)

        ExtractorDocumentType documentType = ExtractorDocumentType.Get(context);
        Document document = DocumentObjectModel.Get(context);
        string inputText = InputText.Get(context);

        var parsedInput = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, EntityValue[]>> (inputText);
        ExtractorResult.Set(context, ComputeResult(documentType, document, parsedInput));

    private ExtractorResult ComputeResult(ExtractorDocumentType documentType, Document document, Dictionary<string, EntityValue[]>parsedInput)
        var extractorResult = new ExtractorResult();
        var resultsDataPoints = new List<ResultsDataPoint>();
        resultsDataPoints.Add(CreateAddressFieldDataPoint( document, parsedInput["address"]));
        resultsDataPoints.Add(CreatecasNumberFieldDataPoint( document, parsedInput["cas_number"][0]));


        extractorResult.DataPoints = resultsDataPoints.ToArray();
        return extractorResult;

    private static ResultsDataPoint CreateAddressFieldDataPoint(Document document, EntityValue[] address)
        var booleanToken = new ResultsValueTokens(0, (float)document.Pages[0].Size.Width, (float)document.Pages[0].Size.Height, new[] {Box.CreateUnchecked(0, 0, 0, 0) });
        var reference = new ResultsContentReference(0, 0, new[] { booleanToken });
        var addressValues = new List<ResultsValue>();
        foreach (var a in address)
            addressValues.Add(new ResultsValue(a.Entity, reference, a.Confidence, 1f));

        return new ResultsDataPoint(



    private static ResultsDataPoint CreatecasNumberFieldDataPoint( Document document, EntityValue cas_number)
        var booleanToken = new ResultsValueTokens(0, (float)document.Pages[0].Size.Width, (float)document.Pages[0].Size.Height, new[] { Box.CreateUnchecked(0, 0, 0, 0) });
        var reference = new ResultsContentReference(0, 0, new[] { booleanToken });
        var secondcasNumberValue = new ResultsValue(cas_number.Entity, reference, cas_number.Confidence, 1f);

        return new ResultsDataPoint(

            "cas_number", "cas_number",FieldType.Number,
            new[] { secondcasNumberValue });


Hello Pushpa,
Here I have multiple examples of code that allow you to extract data from JSON:
