Multiple Regex Matches in same Document

Hello Friends!

So i have a lot of different Documents. And alot of the Same Type of content.

I need to get data out of every document, the problem now is:

I have multiple Documents of the Same Type, like Multiple applications, so now i need a Amount like a Price of a Product but the Keywords are always different, sometimes it is like:

  • Nettobetrag or - Betrag or -Preis or -Summe

So can i match for all these Keywords for one document?


Ca you share specific input samples and expected outputs?
In this case, regex | might help you.



So i have a lot of big Texts which i am not alowed to share, but i can show you a sample:

So i have Texts like this:

So the Black boxes are the Keywords/texts

And in the Red Box is usaly a Number like 300,00 EUR

so now i need the 300 EUR

but in every Documents are different keywords

Hey the currency code EUR will be same all the time.
Also is the currency code occuring only once in the document


Sreejith S S


Take a look here at this Regex pattern.

Just update the words accordingly from your sample.

Hopefully this helps,



Hey Steve!

Thank you very much!

I Dont know if this will help in this specific problem but you showed me a very very good way to deal with Regex!!


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