MsGraph Get Mail Query - Filter Emails by "to" property


I want to create a filter that will get only email sent to specific receipient. The “To” property.

I have tried to following queries but those do not work
contains(to/emailAddress/address,‘PA-PA-RAPA TDC’)
to eq ‘PA-PA-RAPA TDC’

Do you know how to do it ?

Thank you in advance

I was not able to find filter query for receipients (‘to’ property)

I found an post on Stackoverflow thatn this proipery is not filterable. But I do not found any confirmation in documentation

I have created a workflow where I filter based on receipients in a loop after mails are downloaded.

If anyone has a better solution please post it.
MsGraphEmailsFilterByReceipient.xaml (12.9 KB)


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