Month related

Hi all,

I have doubt in changing the month like first my bot has to select previous date so I have used Today.AddDays(-1). If it is 1st August I need to select previous month and date example -month as July and date as 31st how should I do this.

Please help me


// Get the current date and time.
DateTime currentDateTime = DateTime.Now;

// Get the previous month.
DateTime previousMonth = currentDateTime.AddDays(-currentDateTime.DayOfWeek + 1);

// Get the 31st of the previous month.
DateTime previousMonth31st = previousMonth.AddDays(-1);

Hi @hanviprebday

Use if condition to check whether today is 1st or not if today is 1st then select the previous month and date.

Hi @hanviprebday

Try this

`previousMonthDate = Today.AddMonths(-1)`

lastDayPreviousMonth = New DateTime(previousMonthDate.Year, previousMonthDate.Month, 1).AddDays(-1)

I hope it helps!!

Thank you all @supriya117 how to check this condition can I used Today.Date =1 in if condition


str_date = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy").split("/")(0)
then use if conditon:
if str_date.equals("01")
Then get date month and date

@supriya117 what should be the type of the variable str_date I am getting erry


It’s a String type.

I am getting this error


Its not a “-”(Hyphen)
Its under score(_)

Then also same error

@supriya117 please help me


Give like this
Add c in split


Sorry, its my mistake.

Change it to back slash("") because we are getting the date as “dd/MM/yyyy” format.

Hi @hanviprebday ,

can you try this

str = 01-07-2023


output will be 06/30/2023


output will be 30-06-2023


Thank you all got it