Migration of project to uipath

Hi @shashank_dullu,

I do not think there is a vendor who can do that and promise complete migration. The main reason for it is that all of the major automation vendors strategy is customer locking and achieve a critial-mass to ensure their OPEX is covered by subscriptions. Just as google makes it so easy to stay and so difficult leave the eco system, automation vendors have their own implementations for every activity. In short, solutions made using these vendors are not standardized and anything not standardized will be difficult to migrate.

If a company or a package wanted to help in migrating projects between these vendors, they would have to figure out all the different features, map different activities, choose the best performing activity in the respective tool and then figure out how to handle exceptions in different workflows, figure out how to convert custom codes to their native activites etc. This is not an idea which could achieve critical mass and thereby not profitable as a business in the long-term.

The only company I know of is Automation Replatforming | Redeploy Bots to New RPA Platforms with Blueprint but I am sure there are some additional human developers who manually help during conversions along with the tool they offer. Their demo of the tool does not seem to compare to a full scale project : Demo - Migrate Bots to Microsoft Power Automate with Blueprint | Blueprint.

Although I don’t agree with how the RPA industry is locking customers, I can only suggest you to consider the substantial time / resource investment in your cost-benefit analysis before thinking to migrate.