I am trying top connect UiPath to Microsoft sharepoint. It says admin should grant access.
Admin created a separate admin account for the UiPath to connect to sharepoint. It still says need access.
Admin is curious to know if there is any specific role that is needed for UiPath to get sharepoint/onedrive access?
Been a while since setting this but I seem to recall having to go to an admin which had full azure admins permissions to grant the azure app permissions if that helps?
Admin is not comfortable in granting full azure admins permissions that’s the reason why he is asking what specific roles are required for the BOT to be able to connect to Sharepoint/Onedrive
I used integration service to connect to Sharepoint. Connection was successful. But when using “use sharepoint” activity permissions needed window is appearing… permissions were granted and the connection was successful already
In studio are you able to see the configured mail id…ideally you should be anle to see it and we only need to select it from dropdown…check in which folder intergation service is created