Microsoft Office 365 Activities suddenly cannot ire-nstall and use on machine


I would like to get help on this bug. Before I was able to use this with ease, now after opening I cannot use the package on any of my projects. Kindly see screenshot below.

hello my initial guess here is because all my dll now opens default with notepad. Might be the problem here?

Update: I changed the .dll file association back to normal and it still wont let me install the package.


Please go to .nuget folder where you would find all the packages …please delete the microsoft office365 package and reopen the project and check


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I did this however this doesnt solve the problem. I’ve narrowed down the problem to this.

The latest 2.0.1 Microsoft Office 365 package works with “Windows-Legacy” projects however when I tested to create a “Windows” project the error is reproduced.

My current workaround for this right now is to downgrade the version to 1.1.14 for windows projects. Since 2.0.1 only works with Windows-Legacy projects.

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Microsoft 365[2.0.1] was tested and targeted for a Studio/Robot platform 2023.1.0. In this case, you will need a Studio 2023.4.0.

I assume that you have right now a lower version of the Studio (>=2022.4.0). I am right?

Hey @kevin.jeronne.d.gador,

Do this issue still reproduce on a 22.4 Studio version of higher?

Thank you,