Hi @kavya.s16 ,
Could you check the below workflow :
Excel_AddRow_MergeAndColor.zip (12.6 KB)
It uses Interop.Excel
for Merging and colouring the rows/cells.
- We create the row for Points, assign the point value, add it at the beginning of the datatable and add an Empty row at the end.
- We Merge datatable after the add rows operation is done for the datatable.
- Next, we write the merged datatable to the excel sheet.
- We find the cell positions where points value will be present by using a Linq Query and formulate the Cell Ranges for Merging.
- Next, the cell positions are provided to the
Invoke Code
Activity where the Merging and colouring will be done for the cells.
Let us know if this doesn’t work or gives out any error.