Hello, I want to use the matches activity in a text. I have a variable and I want to get data between my variable and the end of the text.
How should I use a regex command can someone help me?
Can you say some sample like Input and output .
This is my text(input)
Test (Test) Registration, Test, my_variable, OutputVariable
This is my output variable
I want to get data between my_variable and the end of the text(end of the OutputVariable).
can you please be more specific?
like with an example?
Think of an article. there is a specific word in this article for example ‘Apple’. And I want to get the text between ‘Apple’ and the end of the article.
Is it clear?
@Priyanka_Ramesh @Pradeep_Shiv
Input String : “abcdefgh aaa ijklmnopqrrstuvwxyz”
Output :" ijklmnopqrrstuvwxyz"
if I want to use it as a variable can I use it like that?
my_variable = “aaa”
Yes pattern is a string .
you can use it like “(.*)(?:”+ my_variable+“)+”
this command catches the previous ones, not the ones after the variable
StringReplace.xaml (6.0 KB)