Match text recognized for some PDF with a space between the number

I m using Read pdf with ocr activity combined together with UiPath Screen OCR.

I’m using the matches activity and have configured the following Regular Expressions

(?<=Check if federal tax withheld was not deposited with the IRS because .*)\d+

So I want that it recognize the number 37

but for some PDF’s, it recognize 3 7 (with a space between the 2 number) instead of 37.
How can I avoid that my ienmatches value is retrieve without this space?


Can you try the following pattern?

(?<=Check if federal tax withheld was not deposited with the IRS because .*)[\d ]+

Then replace whitespace in matched result with empty using .Replace(" ","")


Hi @mce

instead of.* use [^\d]*

(?<=Check if federal tax withheld was not deposited with the IRS because[^\d]*)\d+

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