Loop through and get details of successful queue items

Hi UiPath developers,

I am working on a process where I need to generate excel report on a daily basis which has list of transaction.
I am using dispatcher and performer processes to upload these transactions in to Orchestrator queue and process the transaction using performer process workflow.
Processing transaction involves

  1. verification of same transaction into different systems.
  2. Sending email notifications to users

However, As a part of my work flow, I need to check if email notification was sent for the transaction (say which has details such as user ID, name, email address, etc).

How can I iterate through list of processed queue items to check if it was successfully processed within certain time frame (say last 3 days)?

You can use the following activity to extract the queue items -

Hi Karthik,
Thanks for the reply. I have tried with get Queue Items. However, it doesnt provide me with the list of items which are successfully processed with the processed time stamp.
Here is basically what I am trying to do:
I have a list of users as displayed below:

UserID Username email address
1 AAA AAA@xyz.com
2 BBB BBB@xyz.com
3 CCC CCC@xyz.com

Now, I need to iterate through this file to upload it in Orch. Queue. So every row in the above table is one queue item.
I have another workflow which follows following steps:
For each queue item in Orch. queue

  1. read queue item (row) from orch. queue.
  2. (if Certain condition is true) then
    send an email to on email address.

Since, its a daily operation,
I need to add a condition to ensure emails are only sent after N number of days. Hence, I am trying to find the queue items processed date.

you can select the queue item status from the properties and select the successful item only which gives you the list of queue items which are processed successfuly

Any solution for this. How to retrieve queue items that are processed on the same day.

@jyothi_rambhatla: It was an old project that I was working on 2 years back. We ended up creating a Master excel file to maintain a registry for the processed queue items. This was more suitable as per business requirements. The dispatcher would only add queue items which were either not present in the master log file or had processed date older than our threshold(3 days). This served the purpose back then.

alternatively, you can explore the following approach:

  1. Use queue items (set filter to processed)
  2. Iterate through queue item collection and filter out queue items with timestamp=today’s date.

I haven’t exactly tried but happy to try it later on weekends and share a code snippet if it works.
