Looking assistance in regex


In order to improve readability, set “Ssytem.Text.RegularExpression” at Import Tab in advance. And added linebreak as the following expression.

Regex.Matches(yourString,"Title:[\s\S]+?(?=Title:|$)").Cast(Of Match) _
    .SelectMany(Function(m) _
             Regex.Matches(Regex.Match(m.Value,"(?<=Description:\s*)[\s\S]+").Value,"[^\r\n]+").Cast(Of Match) _
        .Select(Function(m2) _
	        dt.LoadDataRow({m.Value.Split(chr(10)).First,m2.Value},False) _
	    ) _

The first Regex.Matches method extracts strings which starts with “Title:”. It’s assigned to m by the 2nd line.
Next, the second (and 3rd) regex extracts each description after “Description”. it’s assigned to m2 by the 4th line.
Then, dt.LoadDataRow method returns datarow which has the first line of m and m2
Finally, these datarows are converted to DataTable by CopyToDataTable.

Could you please suggest the tutorial where i can learn this functionality?

The above using Regex and LINQ.If you are not very familiar with these function. it may be good to start to check the following documents.
