Can LINQ be used for following task?
Read the csv, deduplicate by common name, then return results for only Status of Endangered or Threatened.
The output should look like this:
According to the report, there are # mammals (list), # Birds (list), # reptiles (list), # clams (list), and # flowering plants (list) listed as threatened and/or endangered for [County].
We can prepare the Output Template String/Text as required :
OutputText = "According to the report, there are -ListOfSpecies- listed as threatened and/or endangered for [County]."
Here, -ListOfSpecies- is the placeholder and we can populate it after performing the computation on the count of Species with names.
Read CSV / Reading of Excel sheet have to be done either by using Activities available or custom code when not possible through activities. After the Excel/CSV sheet is read as a Datatable, lets say DT, we can perform the conditions on it and prepare the data also by grouping :