Linq Mapping excel


expected output -

using below code -

Dim resultTableB As New DataTable
resultTableB.Columns.Add(“PRFNR”, GetType(String))
resultTableB.Columns.Add(“EMPNR”, GetType(String))
resultTableB.Columns.Add(“BUDAT”, GetType(DateTime))
resultTableB.Columns.Add(“ATDCD”, GetType(String))
’ Configuration
Dim beforeLCCount As Integer = 2 ’ Number of consecutive “LC” codes before “P”
Dim afterLCCount As Integer = 2 ’ Number of consecutive “LC” codes after “P”
Dim dtModified As DataTable = dt1.Copy()
Dim resultRows As New List(Of DataRow)
For Each empnrGroup In dtModified.AsEnumerable().GroupBy(Function(r) r.Field(Of String)(“EMPNR”))
Dim empGroup = empnrGroup.ToList()

For Each row In empGroup
    If row.Field(Of String)("ATDCD") = "P" Then
        Dim beforeP = New List(Of DataRow)()
        Dim afterP = New List(Of DataRow)()
        Dim includeCurrentP = False

        ' Check for consecutive "LC" codes before "P"
        Dim startIndexBeforeP As Integer = empGroup.IndexOf(row) - beforeLCCount
        If startIndexBeforeP >= 0 AndAlso empGroup.GetRange(startIndexBeforeP, beforeLCCount).All(Function(r) r.Field(Of String)("ATDCD") = "LC") Then
            beforeP.AddRange(empGroup.GetRange(startIndexBeforeP, beforeLCCount))
            includeCurrentP = True
        End If

        ' Check for consecutive "LC" codes after "P", allowing "R" immediately after "P"
        Dim indexAfterP As Integer = empGroup.IndexOf(row) + 1
        If indexAfterP < empGroup.Count AndAlso empGroup(indexAfterP).Field(Of String)("ATDCD") = "R" Then
            indexAfterP += 1 ' Skip "R" for the next check
        End If

        Dim endIndexAfterP As Integer = indexAfterP + afterLCCount - 1
        If endIndexAfterP < empGroup.Count AndAlso empGroup.GetRange(indexAfterP, afterLCCount).All(Function(r) r.Field(Of String)("ATDCD") = "LC") Then
            afterP.AddRange(empGroup.GetRange(indexAfterP, afterLCCount))
            includeCurrentP = True
        End If

      ' If both conditions are met, add the rows to resultRows
        If includeCurrentP Then
        End If
    End If

’ Distinct and Import
Dim distinctRows = resultRows.GroupBy(Function(r) r).Select(Function(g) g.First()).ToList()
For Each row In distinctRows
result = resultTableB

but below line items are missing

ESTATE BATURONG 1 1LMS/IOI/0123/40764 2/13/2024 LC
ESTATE BATURONG 1 1LMS/IOI/0123/40764 2/14/2024 LC
ESTATE BATURONG 1 1LMS/IOI/0123/40764 2/14/2024 R
ESTATE BATURONG 1 1LMS/IOI/0123/40764 2/16/2024 P

please help me to reslove