Hi Team,
I have written the linq and an error is occuring. Is it due to the datatable which is obtained after the linq is null?
After the Linq, the Original_DT may have been empty i guess. What is the solution for this?
Hi Team,
I have written the linq and an error is occuring. Is it due to the datatable which is obtained after the linq is null?
After the Linq, the Original_DT may have been empty i guess. What is the solution for this?
use this query in place
array_dt=dt.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(r) r(“InvoiceNo”).ToString).where(Function(x) not VL02N_List.Contains(x.ToString)).ToArray
use if condition as
use log message
check using below code in
if condition
OriginalFile_DT.AsEnumerable.Any(Function(x) Not VL02N_List.Contains(x(“InvoiceNo.”).ToString))
Then part keep the assign activity
OriginalFile_DT.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(x) Not VL02N_List.Contains(x(“InvoiceNo.”).ToString)).CopyToDatatable
Log message or steps to follow if there are no rows matching your condition
Hi, please check variable Original_DT has data or not and check column names are correct.
Check out the thread
Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioxPUw_PxMk
You can also try with Try Catch
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