Hi All,
I want to compare 2 data tables and merge them into the datamaster if ID in Datatable 2 is not found in the DataMaster
thankyou all
Hi All,
I want to compare 2 data tables and merge them into the datamaster if ID in Datatable 2 is not found in the DataMaster
thankyou all
Assign Activity
dtResult = dtMaster.Copy
Assign Activity
dtDiff =
(From d in dt2.AsEnumerable
Let ids = d("ID").toString.Trim
Let chk = dt1.AsEnumerable.Any(Function (x) x("ID").toString.Trim.Equals(ids))
Where not chk
Select r =d).CopyToDataTable
Merge dataTable Activity: merge dtDiff into dtResult
Handling empty result:
[FirstAid] Handling of The source contains no DataRows exception - News / Tutorials - UiPath Community Forum
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