Keep failed in even when i think the csv is nothing wrong

anyone that have tried and success in this challenge.,

please look at my csv from my flow. what is wrong?


oh my bad, i missed the validation point 3:

You will have to build and upload a CSV file with the data extracted from each invoice, the ID and Due Date from the table, only for the invoices for which the Due Date has passed or is today .

will try this first.

ah still getting result “failed” even thought the csv data already correct.

what is wrong x.x

the site broken?

stupid english of the website point 3, it says:
You will have to build and upload a CSV file with the data extracted from each invoice, the ID and Due Date from the table, only for the invoices for which the Due Date has passed or is today .
Process only:
Due date >= today
Result = failed

when i modify my flow to process only when due date <= today.
result = success

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