In my process first i serilize a datatable and add queue. Then i should deserilize it and use. I have done it for many times. But this time i am getting an error when i try to do it. Here is an my assign activity and error message:
It is a datatable. I serilize it and add queue. It is working but then when i try to deserilize it getting this error. And also there are many data in this datatable i checked it.
Interesting, we do use this same approach. We dont have a column with type Double, so have not come across this error ourselves.
It clearly is the column with Double type and as @sishiramishra says, quite possible that deserialize is trying to cast all values in the column to a double type and even if only one of the row values is null or empty, it fails to cast a null value to a double and therefore fails.
The error wont occur in serialize because it just converts any double to a string, but the other way around is not going to work if there are null values.
Could you inspect the item data (table) at the dispatchers to check what the table values are in the column with Double Type?
May be someone else here has had the same issue. So we have to wait. I am interested in knowning the solution to this issue as well.
Last resort - Workaround
Instead of sending a table with a column double type to the dispatcher (serializing offcourse) try to convert the column which is failing to string instead. That way you know if there are null values, they will be handled gracefully when deserializing and this error wont occur.
Later, in the performer, you can cast the values to double wherever necessary.
I’m also faced the same issue. But I solved the issue.
When we serialize the DataTable to Json, wherever we have numbers it is treating it as the double. So, when we deserialize the Json, it is trying to convert the data to Double. But if any of the cell doesn’t have number as value, it is failing to convert to Double. So, before adding it to the queue, after serializing the data table, using String manipulation and Regex, I’m modifying the Json data, Wherever we find the numbers I’m explicitly changing it to “String”, then uploading it to queue. When we deserialize it, it is working as expected, since it has all the values as String in Json.
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(SerializedJsonData,“:(?=\d)”,“:”“”) - Use it to add double quotes at the beginning of the number in Json.
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(SerializedJsonData,“(?<=\d),”,“”“,”) - Use it to add double quotes at the ending of the number in Json.