Hi All,
Is there a way I can convert a JSON into XML using uipath Activities?
Thank you
Hi All,
Is there a way I can convert a JSON into XML using uipath Activities?
Thank you
Hi Tango,
I am unable to find this activity . Did you import any packages for invoke code activity in UI Path studio?
Hi @sguna001
InvokeCode activity is available starting with v2017.1.
Check your version.
Hello Tango , The version is : 2016.2.6125
Is there any activity to use in this version. We have some dependencies because of which unable to upgrade it to 2017 version.
Alternative is you can convert Json to XMLdocument then XMLDocument to XDocument
Use assign activites for this:
XMLDocument doc = JsonConvert.DeserializeXmlNode(jsonOutput, “root”)
XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.Parse(doc.OuterXml)
xmlDoc will be the output.