đŸ’„ Join the Business Analyst Associate Webinar Series 2024!

:boom: UiPath Community is launching a one-month long training series dedicated entirely to aspiring and practicing Automation Business Analysts.

Start 2025 fresh with a unique opportunity to embark on a like-minded learning journey, guided by UiPath experts, product managers, and MVPs, and gain an incredible skill-set.

:point_right: Join us for the Business Analyst Associate Series 2024 :point_left:

:calendar: Program duration/certification path: November 21 to January 17, 2025
:alarm_clock: Time: 10:00 am EST, 15:00 pm GMT, 20:30 pm IST
:star2: Sessions: 90-minute sessions 2 times per week, for a total of 5 sessions.
:tv: Mode: live stream training & self-paced learning (UiPath Academy)
:sparkler: Learning plan: Automation Business Analyst Associate Training
:fire: Certification: UiPath Certified Professional Automation Business Analyst Associate

:point_right: Register here :point_left:

:gift: Bonus: A certification voucher will not be given out for this program, but we extend a certification retake offering to you. If you take the UiPath Certified Professional Automation Business Analyst Associate, by March 31, 2025, and do not pass the exam, you can send your exam notice and copy of your class completion certificate to diana.gray@uipath.com and she will have a certification voucher sent to you so that you can retake the exam. Only one voucher is allowed per applicant.

:question::face_with_monocle: Why join the ‘UiPath Business Analyst Associate training series?
The Automation Business Analyst Associate training is designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to excel as an Automation Business Analyst, specifically focusing on the UiPath Automation Implementation Methodology. It covers both foundational and in-depth concepts. Additionally, it allows you to develop your skills by going through practical case studies, thus gaining some hands-on experience.

Our custom program is designed to prepare you for the UiPath Certified Professional Automation Business Analyst Associate certification, ensuring the next level of your upskilling journey.

:woman_student::man_student: What you’ll learn:
In this learning plan, you’ll get through the following topics:

  • Introduction to Automation

  • Introduction to UiPath Business Automation Platform for business analysts

  • Automation Implementation methodology fundamentals

  • Automation business analysis fundamentals

  • Automation implementation methodology deep dive for business analysts

    • Use case overview: vendor onboarding process automation implementation
    • Kick-off: initiate the automation implementation
    • Business case and technical validation: validate estimations and assess automation opportunities
    • Process analysis: analyze and document the process states
    • Solution design, automation development, and testing: contributing to SDD and automation development
    • UAT, deployment, hypercare, and project closure: support the COE

:man_mechanic::woman_singer: Who should attend?
The Automated Business Analyst Associate training starts at the beginner’s level and progresses to an intermediate level. It is aimed at Business Analysts at all levels, who are looking to expand their skillset with business analysis in automation to better understand automation opportunities.

:boom::man_technologist: :woman_technologist:t5: Your hosts:
@diana.gray, @Ana_Bulhac and @DeaTo, yours truly.

:boom::man_technologist: :woman_technologist:t5: Your trainers and mentors:
Anurag Upadhyay, @Anurag_Upadhyay1, Program Manager Intelligent Automation Accenture
Atul Trikha, @atultrikha, RPA Architect, CoE Lead&Account Chief Technologist Peraton, UiPath MVP
Chris Bolin, @Chris_Bolin, Director of Intelligent Automation Anika Systems
Mukesh Kala, @mukeshkala, RPA Manager Boundaryless Group, UiPath MVP
Tracy Dixon, @tracydixon, Operational Excellence Partnership Lead Centric Consulting, UiPath MVP
Nina Mehta, UiPath Enthusiast/Result-driven Project Manager/UiPath Northern CA Chapter Lead
Devyani Sharma, @devyani_sharma Business Analyst, Boundaryless Group
Manjula Dharmalingam, @Manjula_Dharmalingam, Founder, The Next Innings
Revathi Rukamangathan, @Revathi_Rukmangathan , Training & Returnship Specialist at Her Second Innings
Cortney Dominguez, @Cortney, RPA Strategic Consultant

:loudspeaker: Give a huge shout out to your networks, partners and customers alike about this opportunity, and let’s grow together the new generation of automation focused business analysts!! :rocket::rocket: Link to share: https://bit.ly/BAA_series_2024


Hi @diana.gray I enrolled in the Automation Business Analyst Associate Training learning plan and I’m having some difficulty with a portion of it. Under the section “Automation Implementation Methodology Deep Dive for Business Analysts”, the course “Kickoff: initiate the automation implementation” will not load for me. Are any other users experiencing the same? The learning plan diploma won’t unlock for me until I finish that course.

Thank you!

1 Like

I am checking on this - will be in touch when I hear back - thank you for reporting.

Hello @diana.gray. I am Amruta Lopes from India. Thank you for the wonderful session on Business Analyst Associate Series 2024 on Nov 21,2024. I have signed up for the same and trying to access/enroll the Automation Business Analyst Associate Training via learning path. However I encounter an error/message saying “There are no organizations available for amrutalopes@gmail.com. Please click the button below to create one. Create organization.”
What does it mean and how do i proceed further?

Awaiting your reply

Thank you


Here are the details about this. Just Create organization and you would be able to procced further.

Thank you @ashokkarale. After creating the cloud organization, how to proceed further? Automation Training - Build Automation Skills with Free Courses | UiPath Academy on this link once we click on Automation business analyst it sends to the deep dive the automation business analyst role
getting to the same page where I had previously registered for personal profile asking to re-enter the details n save again
Could you pls help or pls navigate me to the concerned authority for the learning path to follow. Would appreciate. Thank you


Connect with the support team here:

Amruta – I am copying Andreea to see if she can help you. I believe it is asking you to fill in the organization you are associated with that you work with, if none, then I would enter NA – Thanks Diana

Session 2 live here: Launch Meeting - Zoom


:boom: We thank the trainers and mentors for their work and involvement today and we thank you for joining us for the session 2 of the Business Analyst Associate Series 2024!

:walking_woman::man_walking: Your next steps:

:one:Please make sure you are registered for the upcoming BAA Series Session 3, Mon, Dec 9, 10:00 EST, 16:00 CET, 20:30 IST.

:two: You can access and use the session 2 recording here.

:three: Please make sure to complete the pre-requisite training by next session:

Go to UiPath Academy :point_right: UiPath Automation Business Analyst Associate Training

:point_right: Click on the right ‘Learning plan structure’ and complete:

1. Introduction to Automation (1hr)

2. Introduction to UiPath Business Automation platform for Business Analysts (35 m)

3. UiPath Automation Implementation Methodology Fundamentals (1hr 45 m)

Please also start of the Automation Implementation Methodology Deep Dive Materials that will be covered in part 2 of week 1

:four: Meet your peers, ask any questions you have and find the support needed within our dedicated UiPath Forum thread.

:five: Check out the program page here for all recordings and next events.

The file shared by Anurag: Process Assessment Tool.xlsx (102.8 KB)

Looking forward to seeing you all next week!

Hi Seems like i missed the last 2 session,.

is there a way for me to still be elegible to join this program and be included in the whatsapp group

thank you

Hi there - Im curious if there was a resolution to issues Carolann Aldridge reported. I am having the same issue with the Automation Business Analysis Fundamentals section. All other sections load just fine, but this one stays as ‘Your content is loading’ and then never loads. I have tried accessing different ways, different days, using incognito mode, etc to try to get it to loads but nothing seems to help. I previously completed this course, but it was some time ago.

Hi all,
I tried to take free online practice test for BA Associate, but it says This practice test has been temporarily disabled.
Would someone from UiPath check on this?

Hello, the practice test is not available yet. The team is working on it and estimates that it would be ready in about 2 weeks’ time.


How to get Assessment ID & Key ID to proceed further ?


You won’t require that. Once the test is up and running, it will directly show you the instruction to start the test.

:star: Dear BA Series participants,

We hope you are enjoying the Business Analyst Associate Series as much as we are. As promised, we also have a contest ready for you, and you have a chance of winning a free voucher for the UiPath Certified Professional Automation Business Analyst Associate.

Firstly, we want to thank you for coming along on this learning journey. Now that you’ve acquired new skills, you have the opportunity to show us how you put them into practice by creating your own project plan. :bulb:

:robot: What’s the challenge?

Take the template that you were given in the program, and make sure you provide us with your contact information slide, as well as the sample slide filled out for the following areas:

  • Process Name

  • Analysis / Changes

  • Problem Statement

  • As-Is vs To-Be

  • Business Benefits/Results

  • Process Diagram

Bonus Points: Technologies and Applications Used

:bangbang: How to join? :bangbang:

We will go through the details of the contest during session 4.

You will submit your application by filling out this form :white_check_mark:

You will need the template that we gave to you (you will also find it in the form). Make sure you include the slide with your information, as well as your project plan.

This is your shot! Join our contest for a chance to win a free certification voucher!

:person_raising_hand: Who can participate?

Anyone registered as part of the UiPath Business Analyst Associate Series 2024 program.

:trophy: Judging and Prizes awarded :trophy:

Judges will review each submission and choose the winners based on the following criteria:

  • Completion of project – 25 points

  • Use of self-paced study and UiPath session knowledge – 30 points

  • Solid problem statement – 20 points

  • Strong process diagram and benefits / results – 20 points

For maximum points: Technologies and Applications Used – 5 points

:date: Important Dates to Remember:

:point_right: December 11: Contest Begins for Business Analyst Associate Series 2024 Certification Voucher.
:point_right: December 19: Closing submissions – Last date to send in your project entry by 11:59PM EST.
:point_right: December 20 – January 10: Judging period and choosing finalists.
:point_right: January 16: Each of the winners will receive a free UiPath Business Analyst Associate certification voucher. This will be announced at the career session on January 16, 2025, and will be listed in this thread on the Forum.

:question: Feel free to ask any questions you may have in this thread or contact me at ana.bulhac@uipath.com

Let’s get going! :rocket:

:eyes: We look forward to seeing what you’ve learned!

Hi – I reported this issue and was told the would work to resolve – thanks, Diana

:wave: Hello everyone,

:rocket: Due to the great feedback we are getting, we are extending the deadline for the Business Analyst Associate Series contest for one more day, so you now have until Friday, December 20th to submit your applications.

:star2: Good luck, may the best one win!