Jenkins not connecting with Orchestrator - Could not connect to Orchestrator Error

I having trouble while connecting Jenkins with UI path Orchestrator, Please find screenshot below , I have provide correct URL and credentials but still getting below error.

Kindly check and provide solution for the same.

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Hey @vivekawasthi119

Looks like URL is incorrect ?

Did you checked it once…


I have picked URL from Orchestrator UI and updated the Jenkins job but still getting the same error, PFB screenshot for reference.

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Hey @vivekawasthi119

I guess the folder name & address you have provided in the Jenkins configuration is not correct ?



Is it a similar issue as mentioned in this thread


Hi, I have attached screenshot from where I have taken the folder name and address. Kindly let me know if anything needs to be changed.

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Attaching Jenkins screenshot as well.

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This issue is resolved now, Thanks @ThomasStocker for your help.

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Kindly post the solution which may help community.


The problem here was that the Orchestrator URL used within the Jenkins configuration included also the tenant name organization.

The Url within the Jenkins configuration for UiPath cloud should look the following way:

Organization and Tenant should be configured in the corresponding configuration steps.