I am new to UI Path and I am exploring a bit complex structure kind of emulating an SQL table having an object field. type
Here ismy sequence::
Build database clientDatatable having two columns namely: Client (String), Offices(generic list of String)
Assign a variable “offices” with new List(of String) ({“Detriot”,“New York”,“Los Angeles”})
Add Data Row: using ArrayRow with value of {“company A”, offices}
For Each Row in clientdatable
For Each inside For Each Row
I used an explicit conversion: CType(rowdata(“Offices”),System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)) to be able to iterate.
Note step 5: I cannot use For Each Row to iterate in Offices because one) it requires a Database, lastly, it returns an object as well.
My take:
I have been reading UI Path from the Academy for just a couple of weeks now, and in my opinion, most of the activities seems being tied up with .Net e.g. VB/C# which made this UI Path very powerful and better than other RPA tools out there. So, to become a successful UI Path developer, you need to know VB or C#.
I am a Blue Prism Certified and during those days that I was an Blue Prism and Logic app Developer, I have not use VB/C# in my automation, not even a single line, not because I don’t know C#. Needless to say, UI Path is no joke, you need to come from a programming background, (take for example my sequence above) unlike BP and Logic App
You can use the For Each activity to iterate over your list, instead of For Each Row.
As for learning the developer techniques behind UiPath, I highly recommend this course. It’s about $11, but it’s well worth it, since the instructor teaches you the developer techniques you’ll need to be successful with UiPath RPA. This is something I would love to see in the UiPath academy curriculum one day.
He also has other courses you may be interested in, but before delving into those, it’s best to see what you can get for free from the academy.uipath.com site.
Yes…you need to set the typeArgument to String and cast the column Offices with this expression:
CType(rowdata(“Offices”),System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)) in the For Each activity without the need of an additional variables.
Thanks for the response and recommendations. That said, UIPath Academy combined with the UI Path Guides, to me is more than enough. As I mentioned in my post, for an aspiring UI Path developer, need to familiarize at least one programming language, VB.Net, C#, Python or Javascript. Best one is VB.net or C# because I believe, the underlying or default language of the UI Path is VB.net or C#