Is there any way to get the executable path(.exe) location of any application using the application name?

I want to get the .exe path of any windows application through UiPath since it is dynamic in different machines.
P.S: I have seen a RPA market place component to get exe path but I want to know if there is any C# or .net code with which the component is built.

@Ana_Patricia There is Get Exe activity is available.

Also If You want to understand the code from .nupkg, there is way to extract it.

  • Rename the extension .nupkg to .zip
  • Extract zip file,
  • You will get the DLL files which you can decompiled with the help of .Net Reflector

Hello @Ana_Patricia

If you are installing it in the same drive in all the machine I think by using the below command you can get it.



No the Drive can be changed , thats why I needed a logic to get the exe path with application name & I cannot use third party marketplace component due to some restrictions

I tried the component to get powerBI exe path, but it returned ‘Program not found’. I checked the login in component & its searching in the registry - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths".
and only these applications are present in apppaths

is there any solution for this, to just pass the application name & get executable path


Please check this.try using it in invoke code…minor might be needed…

Hope this helps…if any errors happy to help
