Is it possible to create a separate datatable for each csv file in folder


I have 31 csv files that are huge, ± 147823 rows of data per file.

  1. Would it make sense to merge files this big, or will I run into problems when processing them?

  2. That is why I thought of creating a separate datatable for each csv file, but have no idea how to generate the datatable with a unique counter or name

I got this far:

Please can you help with stating which option will be more viable?


  1. Merging files into one would be sluggish better to process individually.
  2. If your all files/datatable going to have same columns, after generating DataTable from csv file, use Merge Data Table into a full DataTable.
    If files/datatable going to have different columns you can store all the datatables into a DataSet using below logic. DataSet can hold any number of DataTables and you can easily manipulate the data as you wish.


Ashok :slight_smile:


You can create a dictionary with key as string and value as datatable…

Ao that each file can be read and added as different tables…the name or key can be the filename


All my CSV files have the same columns. Is my flow correct by doing a for each? Would that not overwrite the 1st datatable created?

Is this approach correct?

Your dt_CollectionDelta will be overwritten but we are already merging that data into dt_CollectionsFinal before being overwritten. So you are good. That’s correct approach. Test it.

Make sure dt_CollectionsFinal is declared outside of the Foreach csv file reading scope.

Create Dictionary (Of String, Datatable)

For Each in DirectoryInfo (see here: Using DirectoryInfo.GetFiles instead of Directory.GetFiles, advanced filtering)
– Read CSV into yourDict(currentItem.Name)


Then you’ll have a dictionary of datatables. The key will be the filename. So to get to the datatable for a particular filename you reference yourDict(“filename”). You can use that expression anywhere you’d use a normal datatable variable.

Awesome I will try it

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What am I doing wrong?


@Nyx, What’s datatype of the currentitem. You will get it in property of For Each. It seems the current item datatype is string

You have to put a filter into the () for GetFiles, if you just want all files put "*" or if you want CSV put "*.csv" etc

Get rid of the select, you don’t need it.