This is from “RPA Developer - Production Ready Essentials”, part 3 - Data Manipulation, lesson 8 - Practice 3 - Dictionaries & Integers
Am trying to replicate the solution given in this lesson (at the bottom of the lesson). Funny thing is when I open the solution given in this lesson - “Practice 3 - Dictionaries (Workflow).zip” and run it in UiPath Studio, there is no “Invoke Method Add” error. I wonder why that is.
Target object = new Dictionary (of String, Int 32). In this instance the dictionary name = dictionary_NumberOfTimesWon
Metod name = Add
The error still remains:
Error ‘Dictionary`2’ does not have a public instance method named ‘Add’ matching the parameter types, generic type arguments, and generic type constraints supplied to InvokeMethod ‘Invoke Method - adding winner…’.
Funny thing is, the training script from UiPath studio is exactly the same, but I don’t get this error when I open that file. If I write the smae script with my own variable names, I get this error. That is strange.
The Invoke Mehod in this example adds the names of the winner (key) and the number of times they won (value).
It’s in both the zip files. What I don’t understand is why the training script (from UiPath Academy) won’t give an error, but the same code, when I write it on my own, gives an error.
Ok, got it now. Understood. There were no values in the parameters section of Invoke Method. Hence, the error.
Apologies. But, thanks to this discussion and @Yoichi’s illustration, I’ve understoon Invoke Method much better.