Invoice Processing Workflow

Hi everyone,
I’m looking for an Invoice processing use case.
help me, please if you have any idea or workflow.

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here you go buddy @Sameer_Sen

and this might add some more insights to you


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Have you ever prepared any Invoice Processing workflow buddy?

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If yes, please help me.

well of course, how may i help you buddy… @Sameer_Sen

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Is it compulsory to have SAP for Invoice Processing?

not necessary buddy
invoice can be processed with uipath that are obtained from any ERP enterprise or a business enterprises
like ORACLE, SAP or anyother, that was just an example out of these
These tool usually helps us in generating invoices once after a set of business processes, with that invoice pdf, we will be sending the customer the details about the quantity invoiced, item invoiced, when it got shipped, to whom it got shipped all to the users via mail

Cheers @Sameer_Sen

Following link might help you.

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can you please send me any workflow.

The use cases that i have now is of customers one which are confidential buddy…
But i can guide you on acquiring this process…
Hope you dont mistake…
is there any use case you have in hand that you would like to automate
or the one been suggested so far has the use case which is been followed by most of the IT enterprises…
Cheers @Sameer_Sen

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I don’t have any use cases right now :worried:

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