Integration Service Event trigger Gmail is not working

while working with an integration service to set up a trigger for an event when a new file is created. The trigger seems to work, but there’s an issue with sending an email via Gmail (Gsuite google drive)when the trigger fires. However, when we run the bot manually through the orchestrator, everything works fine, including the Gmail functionality.
the error looks like

I tried adding Time trigger through Orchestrator and with that also mail was working .


Is the connection configured properly in orchetsrator process page?

Also is the process running as background? if yes then it runs as local host and default account for access might fail


Yes the connection is configured correctly in Orchestrator, when the file is dropped in the input folder of Google drive bot shall automatically trigger to start the job. Anyhow the trigger is working good when run in the orchestrator manually but gmail was getting an error .

I established the connection as Default and this process is running in background.


If you use default with background…that means default will pick the user that it is currently running and background tasks run on localhost and that is the reason it might fail…rather setup a connection to it and try and configure it


The error you receive says that the Robot which tries to “Send the Email” doesn’t have access to Connections.View Permission to the respective Connection.

You need to check that the Robot which runs the process has access to that respective Connection.

Yes,I agree with you but the connections are configured correctly the entire trigger its working in the end it should send a mail to the customer that the Mail part is not working.
FYI- I am working on Google drive using service account key.json and the connection I am using is Default for both Drive and gmail