Insert Hyperlinks in an Excel Sheet without Excel Application Scope

Hello, I want to insert hyperlinks in an Excel Sheet but I can’t use Excel Application Scope because Excel is not installed. I already tried few things using Workbook activities but I didn’t find any answer.

Hy @Jeanr, welcome to the UiPath Community

I believe it is not possible to do that. “Write Cell” Activity writes plain text in Excel only :frowning:

Regards (16.6 KB)
Please refer the attached file. It may helps you
If your hyperlinks are getting dynamically, you need to add those values to a data table and user “Write Range” workbook activity

Hy @Venugopal24, @Jeanr,

I tried to do that, but it prints as plain text in excel, and not as hyperlinks :frowning:

Hi @Jeanr, Welcome to UiPath community!

It would be ideal to have Excel installed to make things a bit easier for you.
Here are a couple of not-so-easy suggestions to consider:

  1. A code-based approach by using libraries that enable Excel manipulation. (Read here)
  2. You could use Excel Online and automate on the web interface, although that is a whole other can of worms.

I hope the first suggestion helps.

Thank you for your answers, I’ll see to install Excel, I think it’s the easier way
