How can i initialize the list in my work flow and add the values to that and write to excel
Can any one help
Hi @Swathi_Raju ,
New List(Of String){“Your Value here”}
List initialization
If it is string New List(Of String)
For writing to excel you need a datatable or string values and not a list
U can initialise like this
If u want to create a list of string then in assign activity
Listvar = New List(of String)
If u want to initialise with values also
Then in assign activity
Listvar = new List(Of String) from {“A”,“B”,“C”}
Where Listvar is a variable of type System.Collections.Generic.List(of String)
U can browse this in variable panel
If u want to add values later to the same list then use this expression
Listvar = Listvar.Concat({“Item1”,“item2”,“item3”}).ToList()
Hope it covers all ur scenarios @Swathi_Raju
U can add this to datatable first and then to excel
To add it to datatable use the below steps
Use for each activity and pass the above list variable as input and change the type argument as string
Inside the loop use a ADD DATAROW activity where pass the list value as ArrayRow property like this {item.ToString} and database as dt
Now U can write this datatable using WRITE RANGE workbook activity
Cheers @Swathi_Raju
Hi you can try this way
at the end you can use the write range work book to write excel
output :
Note : list variable type = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.string>
Can you share the xaml please @Praveen_Mudhiraj
These are the steps involved @Swathi_Raju (2.3 KB)
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