A migration project blueprint was presented here: [InfoSet] - LegacyToWindows Migration # Project Blueprint Overview and discussed why the Legacy-To-Windows migration is necessary and proposed a project blueprint for it.
This blog contains a series of questions and a checklist for preparing a Legacy-To-Windows migration . Following the Legacy-To-Windows migration project blueprint, the building blocks from the beginning to the first prototype migration are addressed.
How To use this Jump Start Guide
- Read the presentation of the Legacy-To-Windows migration project blueprint
- Use the individual question sets for the initial design of the individual building blocks
- Use the checkpoints to cross-check the outcoming result of a building block.
Building Block: Registration
Recap Registration - Formal initialization of the migration project
- Which group of persons is to be considered for registration?
- Can the reason why a Legacy-To-Windows migration is necessary be explained?
- Is the explanation adapted to the respective target group (technical, non-technical…)?
- All stakeholders / project sponsors do have a common understanding of the migration topic
- The next steps are jointly agreed upon and accepted by all
Building Block: Inventorisation
Recap Inventorisation - Gaining an initial understanding of the migration volume
- Are all storage locations of the code/UiPath Studio projects clarified?
- Which criteria should be used to evaluate the individual artifacts?
- What new developments/enhancements are in the pipeline?
- Are there artifacts that should be removed from the migration volume?
- Which third-party components are in use?
- Which artifacts should / should not be used for the initial migration prototyping?
- List of artifacts that could be further explored for initial migration prototyping
- List of third-party components used by the different artifacts
- Definition of a migration package sent into an initial hands-on trial
Building Block: Prototyping
Recap Prototyping - Reaching the first understanding by an initial hands-on trial
- Definition of a migration package used for an initial hands-on trial
- A backup and versioning concept that makes the migration result recognizable and resettable
- Will the migration package provide a useful experience?
- Are referenced packages also available in a Windows-compatible package?
- Can an equivalent alternative/replacement ( mapping set ) be found for a package/functionality/code statement that is not Windows compatible?
- Apply the backup & versioning concept
- Execute the code conversion
Type | Action |
Pre-Processing | e.g. replace missing activity Add to Dictionary → Assign activity: myDict("myKey") = "ABC" |
Conversion | automated e.g. with the converter tool |
Post-Processing | e.g. adapting particular statements {"A","B","C"} → new Object(){"A","B","C"} |
- Test and check that the conversion result is executable and correct
- Mark conversion gaps
- Evaluated migration result
- Traced efforts of pre- and post-migration work
- List of identified conversion gaps
After formal registration of the Legacy-To-Windows migration project with stakeholders/project sponsors, an overview of the migration volume is gathered. Selected artifacts are bundled for initial migration prototyping and further explored. After the test migration, the results are systematically evaluated and the experience gained can be used to plan the next steps.
For questions on your specific case or migration topic open a new topic and get individual support.