Information Logs are grey like the Trace logs

Greetings UiPath Community,

Following the update to Studio 2023.10.2, I’ve observed that the Output panel is showing Info logs as trace logs, as illustrated in the attached screenshot. Could this be a bug, or is there a setting that allows me to adjust this behavior? Appreciate any guidance on this matter.

Screenshot 2023-12-18 123523

Hi @Zoltan,

Thanks for reaching out UiPath Community.

Can you check while taking log activity that you have selected Log Level as “Info” not “Trace”.

Hope this works for you.
Happy Automation,

What I meant is that the Log Message activity settings are correct. However, before the update, in the Output panel, any Info log would display in black font color. Now, they appear in grey, similar to the trace logs.

Hi @Zoltan,

If you have kept the log level blank,

Then bot will automatically select the log level from settings.

If you have selected the log level while picking an activity then it will be overwritten.
Hope this works for you.

Happy Automation,

@Vinit_Kawle: I apologize for the confusion.

What I’m specifically addressing is the appearance of logs in the Output panel. If you observe closely, the first log is at the Trace level, and subsequent logs are at the Info level. The expectation is that Info-level logs should be displayed in black font color, not grey as they currently appear.

Screenshot 2023-12-18 123523

Hi @Zoltan,

I understand your question.
Trace level logs will be displayed in Grey Color and info logs will be displayed in blue color.

there is no change with the update.
Hope it clears your confusion.

Happy Automation,

@Vinit_Kawle Actually if you look closely in the screenshot the Info logs are grey … :slight_smile:

The icon is grey for trace, blue for info

Yes, but the text are all grey.
That is my question :wink:

Your description was clear Zoltan.
They defo now both appear in grey, I updated and checked.

Doesn’t seem to be an issue in Dark Mode, so they introduced a visual bug in light mode.

@Jon_Smith thanks for checking and confirming.
It does seems to be a visual bug :lady_beetle:

Thanks for raising this. I submitted the feedback to our bug tracking tool and will fix it in an upcoming version.

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