- Open the file “List of employees” in Folder: 02 DuLieu NhanSu
and Copy data column B, A of the file - Paste the values in columns A, C sheet “NVCT” of the files “XuLyDuLieuAnCa_Xuong2” in Folder: 04_XuLyDuLieu
- Do the same for other files in Folder: 02_DuLieuNhanSu
- Image 1 is the files in folder 02_DuLieuNhanSu
Image 2 is the files in folder 04_XuLyDuLieu
Danh sach nhan vien_Xuong 2.xlsx (84.9 KB)
XuLyDuLieuAnCa_Xuong2.xlsx (18.3 KB)