I want to information about LINQ Query

Hii community i have need abot more information in LINQ QUERY and how to process huge amount of data to Filter,Compare in uipath



Please refer below threads.

Hi @someshwar2512 ,

ppr has some fantastic tutorials on LINQ which you can find here

I’ve also started penning a series on LINQ in my own way, which you can find below →

Its still a work in progress, so feedback is most appreciated!

Kind Regards,
Ashwin A.K


LINQ is not faster than simply using For Each, Filter Datatable, etc.


Hi @someshwar2512
go through the tutorials provided in below mentioned link-
UiPath | LINQ Training | Learn LINQ for UiPath from A to Z | LINQ Query Structure | LINQ Query Parts - YouTube.


Hi @someshwar2512,

I agree with what @postwick said.

You must also consider that the developer who might end up using/supporting your automation may or may not be proficient in parsing the linq expression which can increase time used in debugging and fixes.

I am also sure that default data table activities are built using Linq expressions in their source code. So trying to avoid using them and creating a new expressions is like reinventing the wheel.

Code or no-code platforms both should stick to keeping things simple and easy to maintain.