I want to add 2nd sheet data for each row of 1st sheet data, cross join

I want to add 2nd sheet data for each row of 1st sheet data, cross join.
I tried using join option but it is not full join

no of rows and col in both sheet will be dynamic
sample ip n op attached, color used for understanding
pls help, trying using for each but getting it hardcoded i want dynamic approach
Data.xlsx (12.3 KB)


IN1_Name IN1_Age IN1_Mob IN1_City IN1_ID IN1_DES
qwe rty 23 9876543 Hyd 2 sr
asd fgh 45 876543 Che 3 jr
zxc vbn 43 765432 Del 44 mgr


IN2_Name IN2_Age IN2_Mob IN2_City IN2_dept IN2_sal IN2_po IN2_remark
ZXCV BNM 11 1234567 Ahm acc 45 5 good
asdf hjk 12 2345678 Bang sales 67 6 average
qwer poi 13 3456789 kol hr 87 9 better


IN1_Name IN1_Age IN1_Mob IN1_City IN1_ID IN1_DES IN2_Name IN2_Age IN2_Mob IN2_City IN2_dept IN2_sal IN2_po IN2_remark
qwe rty 23 9876543 Hyd 2 sr ZXCV BNM 11 1234567 Ahm acc 45 5 good
qwe rty 23 9876543 Hyd 2 sr asdf hjk 12 2345678 Bang sales 67 6 average
qwe rty 23 9876543 Hyd 2 sr qwer poi 13 3456789 kol hr 87 9 better
asd fgh 45 876543 Che 3 jr ZXCV BNM 11 1234567 Ahm acc 45 5 good
asd fgh 45 876543 Che 3 jr asdf hjk 12 2345678 Bang sales 67 6 average
asd fgh 45 876543 Che 3 jr qwer poi 13 3456789 kol hr 87 9 better
zxc vbn 43 765432 Del 44 mgr ZXCV BNM 11 1234567 Ahm acc 45 5 good
zxc vbn 43 765432 Del 44 mgr asdf hjk 12 2345678 Bang sales 67 6 average
zxc vbn 43 765432 Del 44 mgr qwer poi 13 3456789 kol hr 87 9 better

Hi @Nidhi_Gupta1

Step1 ~ read range, both sheets
You will get 2 data tables dtSheet1 and dtSheet2

Step2~build data table (this is where u will get output , add all columns from sheet1 and then sheet2

Step3~use assign activity

dtResult = (From row1 In dtSheet1.AsEnumerable
From row2 In dtSheet2.AsEnumerable
Select dtResult.LoadDataRow(New Object() {
row1(“IN1_Name”), row1(“IN1_Age”), row1(“”),
row2(“IN2_Name”), row2(“IN2-Age”), row2(“”)
}, False)).CopyToDataTable

Please make sure to add all columns above I wrote 2 for each sheet for reference

Step4~ write range dtresult

Let me know if it works .

Thank you !

1 Like

hey, it worked as expected. thanks !

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